Michele Bavassano


As a wildlife photographer I immerse myself in nature in search of the perfect shot. Every detail must be flawless, even in your equipment. With Gitzo I know I always have the best support with me. Quality, reliability and design.

Michele was born in 1996, in Orvieto and grew up in a small town located on the border between Umbria, Lazio, and Tuscany. Since he was a child, he was always fascinated by the natural environment and continues to dedicate his photographic life to it every day. For several years now Michele has been observing nature through his camera with the aim of sharing his story to others who connect with his photographs. All of Michele’s photographs have a personal style that often resembles a "dreamlike" vision of nature. Michele can express his vision by anticipating the right moment, scene, light, and arrangement of the composition to achieve the perfect shot.